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      The world faces an unprecedented emergency – the most lethal pandemic since AIDS emerged nearly 40 years ago. In recent months, COVID-19 has swept across the globe, bringing immense challenges, including for the tens of millions of people living with or affected by HIV.


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    COVID-19 has highlighted pervasive and long-standing issues influencing exclusion from health services, notably of those most vulnerable to HIV, including men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, sex workers and transgender people. These populations have experienced renewed stigma, persecution and economic hardship [2]. In some countries, human rights-related barriers to healthcare access in the name of COVID-19 “emergency” and “disaster” powers and social injustices, stigma and racial inequalities have made the most marginalized more vulnerable to HIV and COVID-19 [3].

    Frequent disruptions to supply chains, logistics and reporting systems have limited countries’ ability to maintain or extend HIV-related services, as well as to set up adequate COVID-19 control measures.

    The picture is complex: COVID-19 has catalysed rapid adaptations in healthcare while exposing inequities at the same time.

    Over the past years, the HIV response has increasingly acknowledged the importance of person-centred care, including shifts from in-facility to community-based, at-home or virtual services. For example, differentiated service delivery for HIV has been applied to services for key populations, enabled multi-month refills of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), and facilitated social network-based adherence and peer-led psychosocial support services.

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    Recommendations for the COVID-19 response informed by HIV are grounded in rights-based and community-centred approaches. True progress will require addressing deep-seated structural inequalities to protect the most marginalized. Recent global events have shown an increased awareness and sense of urgency in addressing issues of inequity that cause ill-health, sexual and gender-based violence, or structural racism. COVID-19, HIV and the Black Lives Matter movement all demand attention to and transformation of structural inequalities. 

    COVID-19 has been called “the most acute global health crisis since HIV” [4]. Countries’ efforts to save lives must encompass COVID-19 and HIV and ensure that health systems everywhere are strengthened to support the right to health for all [5,6].

    COVID-19 is impacting the HIV response in three key ways. First, the shift of health system resources to focus on COVID-19 and national lockdowns has severely affected HIV treatment and prevention services, including interrupting care and increasing obstacles to accessing treatment, clinical services and psychosocial support [7]. Second, COVID-19 has exacerbated challenges for people living with HIV and key populations who are experiencing renewed stigma, with evidence of increasing vulnerability to HIV in the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community [8]. Third, the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting existing system-level weaknesses in healthcare and supply chains, adversely affecting people living with HIV [9].


    There is limited data on health outcomes among people living with HIV who have COVID-19. Continuity of treatment for HIV is essential during the COVID-19 pandemic as scientists determine how COVID-19 affects people living with HIV [10,11]. Additional precautions should be taken for people with advanced or poorly controlled HIV [12].

    Clients in 13 African countries [13] revealed that HIV-related stigma, exacerbated by lockdown orders, has deterred some people living with HIV from attempting to obtain their ARVs. Rapid assessments conducted in March and April 2023 among people living with HIV in Uganda and Zimbabwe showed COVID-19-related challenges to be low levels of ART on hand [14], difficulties in accessing facilities due to temporary closures, cost, healthcare workers’ attitudes, fear of police harassment and lack of public transport. In Malawi, viral load testing has been halted as it has been deemed as non-essential [15].

    A study on the impact of COVID-19 on PrEP care at a Boston community health centre pointed to disruptions in care, especially among vulnerable populations, despite high use of telehealth [16]. Additionally, a number of the ongoing worldwide HIV vaccine and immunotherapy efficacy trials have been shortened, paused or postponed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, causing further disruptions to services for people affected by HIV [17].

    A survey across 29 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean in April 2023 showed that 70% of people living with HIV did not have enough ART on hand for the next two months. Further, 37% did not have the option of services adapted to ensure access during COVID-19, including consultations over the phone or Internet, delivery of medications at home or extended ART refills. Among migrants (85% from Venezuela), more than three-quarters of people living with HIV had one month’s supply of ART (52%) or less (24%) and 21% did not know where to go to obtain ART [18].


    In many countries, people living with HIV are no strangers to social and structural barriers that hinder access to HIV-related services, now aggravated by COVID-19. Emergency powers invoked during the pandemic have been abused to justify police brutality, ignore principles of disclosure and target the most vulnerable [19].

    Key populations in Bangladesh, Belarus, Puerto Rico, South Korea and Uganda have experienced renewed persecution and discrimination under COVID-19 emergency powers [20]. This is predicted to worsen, with increasing rates of unemployment, housing instability and food insecurity [21]. A survey of 13,500 LGBTI+ people in 138 countries found that COVID-19 has increased socioeconomic vulnerability among the LGBTI+ community, threatened their health and increased their susceptibility to HIV infection. Of 1,140 participants with HIV, 26% reported interrupted or restricted access to refills of ART [22].

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted existing vulnerabilities in healthcare systems and their knock-on effects. The lack of serious investment in building functional and resilient health systems in many resource-limited countries has brought into sharp focus the challenges of providing quality routine healthcare [29]. The HIV response and the COVID-19 pandemic are testing the resilience of many systems.

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    Stopping courier and postal services in some countries has prevented local deliveries of medicines. Other vulnerabilities in many countries include too few medical professionals, medical staff and laboratories diverted to COVID-19 activities, insufficient equipment and supplies, and poor confidence in public health systems and national governments [31].

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    It is critical that countries and healthcare providers take decisive evidence-based actions for responses to both HIV and COVID-19. The Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2015 had a substantial impact on the number of deaths from AIDS-related causes, TB and malaria because of reduced access to treatment as resources were focused on Ebola [33]. A published model predicts a similar outcome for COVID-19, but hopefully with the right public health responses, these predictions could prove to be a warning rather than reality [34].

    Country- and community-based experience offers evidence of the impact of COVID-19 on HIV programmes. In some places, the COVID-19 pandemic and associated national lockdowns have led to increased innovations and ingenuity in HIV service delivery. This body of evidence gives clear strategies for policy makers, healthcare providers, researchers, scientists, healthcare workers, communities and funders.

    • 1.1 Reduce the frequency and duration of health facility visits.

      Core HIV services should not be disrupted due to COVID-19, but in-person visits to health facilities for people living with HIV should be limited [35]. Where visits are required, time spent in the facility should be reduced and the client should interact with the minimum number of providers.

    • 1.2 Implement extended refills of antiretroviral treatment.

      Public health authorities should enable the scaling up of multi-month dispensing of ART and PrEP, including up to six months, as recommended by WHO [36,37], in parallel with operational planning to minimize supply chain disruptions and ensure availability of medicines.

    • 1.3 Support out-of-facility pickup points for refills.

      HIV medication refills should be available through community pickup points, from drop-in centres and via “buddy” refills [38,39,40]. Service locations should be decentralized, including to key populations’ preferred community access points.

    • 1.4 Adapt health facilities to support core COVID-19 control measures.

      For essential health facility visits, triaging upon entry for COVID-19 symptomatic clients should be done, with physical distancing and other core COVID-19 control measures, such as hand hygiene, disinfection procedures and personal protective equipment (PPE) for health workers [41].

    • 1.5 Transition adherence support to virtual platforms, wherever possible.

      Providers should optimize consultations over the phone and the use of online platforms to maintain core HIV services and support community engagement during physical distancing [42]. With the increased need for psychosocial support, providers should find digital ways to create referral pathways and deliver support that responds to the evolving needs of communities.

    • 1.6 Adjust HIV prevention and testing.

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    • 1.7 Assure quality linkage and ART initiation for those newly diagnosed with HIV.

      People newly diagnosed with HIV should be offered ART on the day of diagnosis, preferably at the location of testing with follow up and monitoring via digital platforms, where possible [44]. Immediate initiation on ART also provides an opportunity to refer or link people as needed to other services, such as harm reduction [45], prevention of mother-to-child transmission, psychosocial support services, contraceptive options, and sexual and reproductive health services.

    • 1.8 Continue to test for and treat HIV co-infections and co-morbidities.

       Treatment and preventive therapy for HIV co-infections, especially TB [46] and viral hepatitis, must continue, as must diagnosis and treatment of co-morbidities known to increase susceptibility to COVID-19, such as diabetes and other non-communicable diseases [47], with extended supplies of medicines, where possible.

    • 1.9 Ensure sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).

      SRHR services have been disrupted alongside increases in sexual and gender-based violence since the start of lockdowns [48]. National efforts must ensure the continuity of SRHR services and continue addressing gender-based and sexual violence during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • 1.10 Harness low-cost, accessible technologies to ensure digital access by all.

      Governments and healthcare providers must forge innovative partnerships with technology providers to enable uptake of digital health services. This should include use of low-cost and accessible technologies in low-bandwidth settings to reach as many people as possible [49].

    • 2.1 Establish a rights-based approach to COVID-19.

      The HIV response has shown how public health and human rights approaches can be effective together [50]. Responses to COVID-19 can learn from HIV and focus on reducing some of the structural barriers to health and enabling access to essential health services for all. Key populations, homeless people and marginalized people living with HIV require support in the context of COVID-19 to ensure that their right to health is upheld [51].

    • 2.2 Address issues of social justice in healthcare settings.

      Issues of social justice, notably around race and ethnicity, increase vulnerability to HIV and COVID-19. The adverse health consequences of structural racism must be fully understood and addressed. Public health authorities should commit to disaggregating data, including by race and ethnic group, gender, age and other sociodemographic characteristics, and monitoring of ethnic groups’ health outcomes and experience of health systems.

    • 2.3 Enable and strengthen civil society-driven and community-led responses.

      These are some of the most effective ways to reach people, the HIV response has shown. Strengthening and integrating the voices and perspectives of clients and communities into public health policy will be essential for more effective and accountable COVID-19 responses.

    • 2.4 Address stigma against people with COVID-19.

      Much can be drawn from HIV-related stigma-reduction interventions [52] for COVID-19-related interventions to expose and eliminate the social processes that rely on racism, xenophobia and the blaming of “others” for epidemics [53,54]. Understanding the internalization of stigma in the context of COVID-19, and promoting mental health for those who have recovered from the virus, could also build on established methods from the HIV response.

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      HIV funding streams have proven their efficacy and are leveraging systems and tools to support COVID-19 responses in parallel with existing HIV programmes [55]. Funding mechanisms must continue to support health system strengthening while addressing COVID-19 and HIV, including the removal of user fees for essential health services [56].

    • 2.6 Strengthen supply chains.

      Supply chain challenges, including inaccurate forecasting, have been longstanding for HIV. Some issues have recurred in the COVID-19 context, with new pressures from expanding multi-month dispensing and new supply chain issues (for PPE and COVID-19 test kits) due to surges in demand and travel or cargo restrictions. Supply chain improvements achieved for HIV programmes can be leveraged for COVID-19 and broader health system support.

    • 2.7 Intensify collaboration on vaccine development for COVID-19

      Approaches to vaccine development should draw from the HIV response, including models, ethics and trial networks, that have laid the groundwork for COVID-19 vaccine development [57]. When a COVID-19 vaccine exists, it is likely to bring benefits for HIV vaccine development.

    • 2.8 Support equitable systems in the global allocation of supplies, tools and medicines for COVID-19.

      The HIV response caused a shift towards the right to equitable access to healthcare. For the first time, the WHO-convened Access to COVID-19 Tools (ACT) Accelerator commits the world to equitable access to diagnostics, treatment and vaccines for COVID-19. Concerted action must follow.

    • 2.9 Strengthen the multilateral system and equip institutions to inform a global response.

      Global cooperation and the establishment of global health coordination mechanisms remain crucial to push back public health threats, including HIV. Strengthening global cooperation and multilateral institutions working to this end will be key in overcoming both COVID-19 and HIV.

    • 2.10 Secure political commitment to implement evidence-based recommendations.

      With the newness and evolving knowledge about COVID-19, some leaders have made politicized decisions on managing the pandemic that are not based on the best available scientific evidence. Countries and communities should advocate for verified scientific processes to underpin policies and strategies in response to COVID-19.


    [1] Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. ‘Global Fund Survey: Majority of HIV, TB and Malaria Programs Face Disruptions as a Result of COVID-19’, 17 June 2023. http://www.theglobalfund.org/en/covid-19/news/2023-06-17-global-fund-survey-majority-of-hiv-tb-and-malaria-programs-face-disruptions-as-a-result-of-covid-19/

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    [3] Lamontagne E, Doan T, Howell S, et al. ‘COVID-19 pandemic increases socioeconomic vulnerability of LGBTI+ communities and their susceptibility to HIV’. 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2023: Virtual), July 2023.

    [4] Horton R. ‘Offline: Don’t let COVID-19 divert us completely’. The Lancet. May 16, 2023. http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)31130-2/fulltext

    [5] Hunt P. ‘Interpreting the International Right to Health in a Human Rights-Based Approach to Health’.  Health and Human Rights Journal, December 2016. SSR 客户端使用手册 (订阅版) - hiaoxui:SSR 客户端使用手册 (订阅版)

    [6] United Nations. ‘Human rights in the response to HIV: Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights’, May 2023. http://undocs.org/A/HRC/41/27

    [7] UNAIDS, ZNNP+ and NAC. ‘Rapid community survey on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak on PLHIV in Zimbabwe’. SSR 各平台快速食用指南 - 雨声残响:下载SSRR客户端并安装 下载地址 点击右上角切换到配置文件 点击右下角 + 选择添加/升级 SSR订阅 先删除默认订阅,不然无法正常更新,删除方法是按住左划/右划 选择与节点一起删除 删除后,这次选择添加订阅地址 输入订阅地址并确定 宇航员的订阅连接你

    [8] Lamontagne E, Doan T, Howell S, et al. ‘COVID-19 pandemic increases socioeconomic vulnerability of LGBTI+ communities and their susceptibility to HIV’. 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2023: Virtual), July 2023.

    [9] Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. ‘Health Product Supply’, updated 25 May 2023. 山西SEO教程自学网 - ssr是什么意思?怎么用?免费SS ...:2021-12-9 · SSR安装在手机上后,上网时手机流量经SSR转发到上网地址,通过在SSR内加入免流网址的混淆参数后,让运营商判断失误,达到免流的目的。 最后,可伍在国内模拟某些国外地区的IP,从而收看国外一些限制地区的视频资源,或者申请一些限制国家地区的服务。

    [10] World Health Organization. ‘Maintaining essential health services: operational guidance for the COVID-19 context’, June 2023. http://www.who.int/publications/i/item/10665-332240

    [11] Davies MA, Boulle A. ‘Risk of COVID-19 death among people with HIV: A population cohort analysis from the Western Cape province, South Africa’. COVID-19 Special Public Health Surveillance Bulletin, 22 June 2023. http://www.nicd.ac.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/COVID-19-Special-Public-Health-Surveillance-Bulletin-22-June-2023.pdf

    [12] World Health Organization. ‘Q&A: HIV, antiretrovirals and COVID-19’, 24 March 2023. http://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2023/question-and-answers-hub/q-a-detail/q-a-on-covid-19-hiv-and-antiretrovirals

    [13] CQUIN DSD and COVID-19. ‘Perspectives from Recipients of Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic’ (webinar series), 21 April 2023. http://cquin.icap.columbia.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/CQUIN-ITPC-RoC-Perspectives_MASTER-FINAL21April.pdf

    [14] UNAIDS. ‘Rapid Assessment: Needs of people living with HIV in the context of COVID-19’, 20 April 2023. http://www.differentiatedcare.org/Portals/0/adam/Content/8alFOzjEWkOpw4DGAW7ogA/File/Final%20Rapid%20Asessment%20of%20PLHIV-COVID%2023%20April%2023.pdf

    [15] Ministry of Health Malawi. ‘COVID-19 Guidance for HIV Services’, 17 April 2023. http://www.differentiatedcare.org/Portals/0/adam/Content/dGLU8P8dhkOEMHjU8ZRqiA/File/Malawi_Guidance%20on%20HIV%20services%20with%20COVID-19Edition%202version%202.pdf

    [16] Krakower D, et al. ‘Impact of COVID-19 on HIV preexposure prophylaxis care at a Boston community health center’. 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2023: Virtual), July 2023.

    [17] AVAC. ‘Biomedical HIV Prevention Trials: Results, milestones and more’, 27 May 2023. ssr怎么设置_ssr手机使用教程_手机版ssr怎么设置:2 天前 · SSR 电脑设置科学上网教程-SSR如何使用教程 - 冬天博客 2021年7月14日 - 首先我伊启动一下“SSR”软件,不同于SS,SSR比起SS会更加稍微好用一点,并且SSR新增了一些“混淆”方式,具体是什么我也不过多,毕竟我伊只需要能使用科学...

    [18] UNAIDS. ‘Survey shows that many people lack multimonth HIV treatment in Latin America’, 24 June 2023. http://www.unaids.org/en/resources/presscentre/featurestories/2023/june/20230624_hiv-treatment-latin-america

    [19] UNAIDS. ‘UNAIDS condemns misuse and abuse of emergency powers to target marginalized and vulnerable populations’, 9 April 2023. http://www.unaids.org/en/resources/presscentre/pressreleaseandstatementarchive/2023/april/20230409_laws-covid19

    [20] The Lancet HIV. ‘Lockdown fears for key populations’ (editorial), published online, 21 May 2023. DOI: fanqiang – Telegraph:2021-2-2 · 回到首页 SS(SS、SSR、SSRR)和V2ray翻墙法傻瓜式教程 本教程旨在帮助各位网友访问墙外网站,了解最新、最真实的信息,多看墙外真实信息能让你避免被当韭菜割!P2P暴雷的人中,很少经常看墙外信息的人! 上电报Telegram与同道交流。安装和使用电报请看第七章节。请把该指南传播给有需 …

    [21] Wilcher R, Akolo C. ‘Five strategies for preserving key population-focused HIV programmes in the era of COVID-19’. IAS website. http://www.iasociety.org/HIV-Programmes/Cross-cutting-issues/COVID-19-and-HIV/Five-strategies-for-preserving-key-population-focused-HIV-programmes-in-the-era-of-COVID-19

    [22] Lamontagne E, Doan T, Howell S, et al. ‘COVID-19 pandemic increases socioeconomic vulnerability of LGBTI+ communities and their susceptibility to HIV’. 23rd International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2023: Virtual), July 2023.

    [23] UNAIDS. ‘UNAIDS condemns misuse and abuse of emergency powers to target marginalized and vulnerable populations’, 9 April 2023. http://www.unaids.org/en/resources/presscentre/pressreleaseandstatementarchive/2023/april/20230409_laws-covid19

    [24] CDC. ‘HIV and African Americans’, January 2023. http://www.cdc.gov/hiv/group/racialethnic/africanamericans/index.html

    [25] ScienceDaily. ‘Growing evidence that minority ethnic groups in England may be at higher risk of COVID-19’, 29 May 2023. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2023/05/200529150634.htm

    [26] Public Health England. ‘HIV in the United Kingdom: Towards Zero HIV transmissions by 2030 HIV in the UK statistics 2018’, December 2023. http://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/858559/HIV_in_the_UK_2023_towards_zero_HIV_transmissions_by_2030.pdf

    [27] Public Health England. ‘Disparities in the risks and outcomes of COVID-19’, June 2023. http://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/892085/disparities_review.pdf

    [28] The Lancet HIV. ‘Racial inequities in HIV’ (editorial), July 2023.

    [29] Dovlo D. ‘African Health Systems – our frontline in the COVID-19 battle?’ Global Fund Observer, issue 377, 15 April 2023. http://www.aidspan.org/gfo_article/african-health-systems-%E2%80%93-our-frontline-covid-19-pandemic-battle

    [30] Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria. ‘Health Product Supply’, updated 25 May 2023. http://www.theglobalfund.org/en/covid-19/health-product-supply/

    [31] Boulanger C. ‘No effective response to COVID-19 in Africa without the involvement of civil society organisations’. Global Fund Observer, issue 376, 1 April 2023. http://www.aidspan.org/gfo_article/no-effective-response-covid-19-africa-without-involvement-civil-society-organisations

    [32] Alexandra B. Hogan, Britta Jewell, Ellie Sherrard-Smith, et al. ‘The Potential Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on HIV, TB and Malaria in Low- and Middle-Income Countries’. Imperial College London (01-05-2023). doi: http://doi.org/10.25561/78670.

    [33] Emerging Infectious Diseases. ‘Effects of Response to 2014-2015 Ebola Outbreak on Deaths from Malaria, HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis, West Africa’, 2016. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4766886/

    [34] Alexandra B. Hogan, Britta Jewell, Ellie Sherrard-Smith, et al. ‘The Potential Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic on HIV, TB and Malaria in Low- and Middle-Income Countries’. Imperial College London (01-05-2023). doi: http://doi.org/10.25561/78670.

    [35] IAS. ‘Covid-19 and HIV: Lessons learned from healthcare workers around the world’ (webinar presentation), 21 April 2023. http://www.iasociety.org/HIV-Programmes/Cross-cutting-issues/COVID-19-and-HIV-Webinars

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    Shadowsocks电脑(windows)客户端设置教程-维简网:2021-8-19 · 使用Shadowsocks(影梭)科学上网可伍说是现在非常主流的选择,但是很多的朋友都是处于听过这个东西,但是具体怎么用就不是很清楚了。介于这个需求,我就针对Shadowsocks来写个系列教程来帮助大家科学上网吧。 本篇是伍在电脑上使用 ...

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    [53] Logie C. ‘Lessons learned from HIV can inform our approach to COVID-19 stigma’. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 23 April 2023, Volume 23, Issue 5. ssr怎么设置_ssr手机使用教程_手机版ssr怎么设置:2 天前 · SSR 电脑设置科学上网教程-SSR如何使用教程 - 冬天博客 2021年7月14日 - 首先我伊启动一下“SSR”软件,不同于SS,SSR比起SS会更加稍微好用一点,并且SSR新增了一些“混淆”方式,具体是什么我也不过多,毕竟我伊只需要能使用科学...

    [54] UNAIDS. ‘Rights in the time of COVID-19: Lessons from HIV for an effective, community-led response’. UNAIDS, 2023.

    [55] Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. COVID-19 Overview. 常见酸酸乳客户端功能介绍&使用教程 - 神伋綺凜の随波逐流:2021-7-3 · 通过订阅添加(推荐) 如果你的 SSR 商有提供SSR订阅链接的话,那是最好的。 跟手动添加的方法一样,但是类型选择“Subscribe”,然后填入订阅地址,然后完成即可。 选择节点 点击一个节点,前面出现了一个小橙点即伋表你选中了这个节点。

    [56] Ford N. ‘DSD and CQUIN – Updates from the WHO and Global Perspectives’. World Health Organization, 23 June 2023. http://cquin.icap.columbia.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Differentiated-Service-Delivery-and-COVID-19_Call-13_Master_English_low-res.pdf

    [57] IAS. ‘What years of HIV vaccine research can teach us about the search for a COVID-19 vaccine’. http://www.iasociety.org/HIV-Programmes/Cross-cutting-issues/COVID-19-and-HIV/What-years-of-HIV-vaccine-research-can-teach-us-about-the-search-for-a-COVID-19-vaccine


    Photo 2: The Global Fund / Ricci Shryock

    Photo 3: The Global Fund / John Rae

    Photo 5: The Global Fund / Atul Loke / Panos

    Photo 6: The Global Fund / Atul Loke / Panos

    Photo 7: The Global Fund / Ricci Shryock

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